Sunday, April 11, 2010

Welcome to BadMovie411!

Among people who know me, it is widely accepted that I'm a T.V. junkie, and true I've been criticized pretty harshly for this (you know who you are). I watch a LOT of television, mostly educational, documentaries, indie films, etc. To give you an idea of how much I love T.V., I consider the day I got my DVR a cathartic turning point in my life; as I recently told a friend who just got one himself, "It'll change your life".
It's also a general consensus among my friends that I have a pretty sharp, quick wit. I'm that guy that you look at and think, "What did he just say?", and then it hits you on your way home. To adopt a phrase from one of my favorite instructors, a man I consider my Yoda, I have a black belt in smartass.
I've also been told by a handful of people that I'm a pretty decent writer. My problem with that is that I have the attention span of a bug when it comes to knuckling down and actually writing something. I also have very little unique imagination, so the dream that I've had since a child of writing the Great American Novel is, well...unrealistic.
The other big thing you need to know about me is that in addition to loving T.V., I'm a pop-culture freak. I have a weird aptitude for remembering useless trivia, especially about musician's & band's behind-the-scenes lives, and movies...let's put it this way: if you're trying to figure out who that guy was in that movie, or what movie did you hear this song in, I'm the guy you're gonna call...kind of like a human Internet Movie Data Base (one of my absolute favorite websites).
Combine all of that with my latest odd obsession with really, really, REALLY bad sci-fi & horror flicks, and-DING! On goes the lightbulb. Since I've always wanted to blog something, but either haven't had the inspiration, or was stymied by too much creative control over the things I was blogging about, this just seems like the natural outlet. I love crappy movies, I love making people laugh, I'm an okay writer, and my potential for retention of movies and lines from those movies is uncanny...hence BadMovie411 is born.
I'm sure this is not an original idea; I did no research to see if there is anyone else out there doing this very thing, nor do I care...opinions are unique, like farts, so I'm not worried about any of that. Also, I must confess that even the idea of doing this wasn't purely mine--I recently watched a movie called Julie and Julia, where Amy Adams plays a girl who is bored and needs a creative outlet, so decides to spend one year cooking dishes from Julia Childs' French cookbook and blog about it, and I thought, "hmmm...I wanna do something like that". NOT a crappy movie, by the way...I highly recommend it.
A few things you need to know: I use the three periods that denote "therefore" quite a bit (...), probably too much, and more than likely out of context. I apologize for that in advance. I also have a really weird sense of humor, and sometimes the things I'll write will seems a little off...but you'll get it later, I promise. I also have a bad swearing habit. Now, one of my favorite teachers used to tell me that the great writers don't use profanity in their writing...but fuck that, we use it in our daily lives, so be advised, you might see a few bad words...sorry.
I hope we have fun with this. Enjoy.

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